Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization

Technology and Innovation Support Centers (TISC)

The WIPO Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) program provides innovators in developing countries with access to locally-based, high-quality technology information and related services, helping them to exploit their innovative potential and to create, protect, and manage their Intellectual Property (IP) rights.

Services offered by TISCs may include:

  • Identification and registration of Intellectual Property at university.
  • Access to online patent and non-patent (scientific and technical) resources and IP-related publications;
  • Assistance in searching and retrieving technology information;
  • Training in database search;
  • On-demand searches (novelty, state-of-the-art, and infringement);
  • Monitoring technology and competitors;
  • Basic information on industrial property laws, management and strategy, and technology commercialization and marketing.

Please contact ORIC for assistance and advice on IP management, Commercialization, Licensing, technology transfer, patent drafting, and prosecution, etc.