Dr A Rashid Kausar Conducts Training Workshop on Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutes Challenges Suggestions

Tuesday, March 05 2013

In the present changing times and the age of knowledge, what can be more important than implementing quality, especially in higher education?
Higher education is the main pillar which supports the nation’s innovation and research. It is a wheel which, if set in motion, will never stop but will take us to great heights as well as unfathomable depths of learning and knowledge.A workshop was arranged at VU in which Directors of QEC from Private as well as Public sector Universities participated.During the course of this workshop, Dr. A. Rashid Kausar emphsixed upon the need of Quality Assurance in higher education and the challenges which are being faced by the HEIs.The meeting was also addressed by Dr.  Muhammad Nawaz, Advisor DQE, and by Professor Dr. Naveed A Malik on IT system Approach to Quality as Practiced at VU.