Office of Institutional Linkages

Credit Hours Transfer to USA

Students Transferring to South East Missouri State University USA

In the light of recently signed MOU between UMT and Southeast Missouri University USA, two of our students have been accepted in the said partner institution.

As per the student credit hours transfer policy, after completing two year of education at UMT all UMT student can transfer  their remaining education to Southeast Missouri University USA and earn the degree from Southeast Missouri University USA.

Miss. Khudaija Tul Murtaza and Mr. Hamza Imtiaz studying BS Telecommunication and Networks, 4th Semester transferred their credit hours in BS Technology Management: Telecom and Computer Networks in Southeast Missouri University USA.

I here like to congratulate them and wish them very best for achieving their goals in life.

All students having a passion for International education are encouraged to apply in partner university (Details available on International Collaborations) or contact department of Institutional Linkages (Foreign).

Department of Institutional Linkages (Foreign) believes in providing sound professional advice on International educational and guidelines for securing scholarships to all UMTians.

All assistance provided for admissions and scholarships are free of cost.