Office of Forums and Events

Venue Selection and Reservation

  • Event organizers are responsible for selecting the appropriate venue for the event, considering factors such as location, capacity, accessibility, and cost.
  • The reservation will be made upon receiving of an email by an authorized staff/faculty using official email address.
  • The request for reservation must be made at least three working days for on-campus and 30 days for off-campus, before the scheduled event date and time.

Note: For reservations, Please email to Mr. Waqas Ahmed Khan ([email protected]) and Mr. Shakeel Ahmad ([email protected])

Reservation Based on Event Types

The university organizes a large volume of events; in order to accommodate requests, the reservations shall be made based on the following order of priority:

  • Official University Events (Convocations, Orientations, Merit Awards, or National Day Celebrations, etc.)
  • Events (Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Workshops, Guest Lectures/Sessions, etc.) organized by any schools or offices (Prioritized according to the scale and nature of the event)
  • Events related to co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

On-Campus Venues

Following are the on-campus venues available for reservation through OFE:

  • Hakeem Saeed Seminar Hall
  • Saleem Asghar Ali Seminar Hall
  • Iqbal Lounge
  • UMT Greens (Ground)

Note: For reservation of classrooms for events, organizers are required to contact OCMS.