Office of The Controller of Examinations (OCE)



All the participants will have to stringently follow the rules and procedures regarding written assignments, class preparations, projects, quizzes and examinations for a course.
No discussion is allowed on any assignment unless specified by concerned faculty members. Any ambiguity regarding the extent of discussion should be cleared with the concerned instructor. In order to avoid delays, participants should plan ahead of submission deadlines of their assignments.

Make-up of midterm examination policy

Absence from examinations is permissible only in extreme situations beyond the control of the participant. Serious illness of the participant or death in the immediate family is regarded as a legitimate reason for rescheduling a make-up of midterm exams.
The request for scheduling a make-up exam must be made by the participant or someone on his/her behalf, through the make-up exam petition form which must be submitted to the batch advisor, along with other required documents within three working days of missing the exams. The batch advisor will then direct the case to the Controller of Examinations.
The makeup exam will be taken within two weeks of the original exam. This shall be coordinated by the Controller of Examinations in consultation with the instructor(s).
Private arrangements for a make-up examination between a participant and an instructor are not allowed.
The participants who miss a scheduled make-up exam shall not be given a second chance.
The participants involved in extracurricular activities, arranged by the societies or other institutions, would get prior permission from the Instructor/CoD/Dean regarding their absence in a quiz or an exam.

Note: This policy is not applicable for end term exam. 

Incomplete Grade (“I” Grade)

A participant, owing to an emergency or a plausible reason, may apply for the award of "I" (Incomplete) grade. Such application is acceptable upon approval of the Advisor/Chairman/Dean/Director. Approval on application form is mandatory. The approved application form shall be submitted to the Controller of Examinations at UMT.
The participant has to take only end term exam for the course(s) graded "I", whenever it will be rearranged within the next semester. Attendance, midterm and sessional evaluation for such course(s) will be considered as it was at the time of awarding "I" grade. If a participant fails to take end term exams in the very next semester, the "I" grade will be changed into "F" and participant will be required to study whole semester in order to appear in the end term exams.
The “I” graded exam must be taken within the next semester of the original exam. This will be coordinated by the Controller of Examinations in consultation with the instructor(s).

Condition of I Grade

  • A Participant is required to attend minimum 80% of classes and attempt all assignments, projects and midterms exams. His class evaluation must be complete till the end term exams.
  • Private arrangements for an “I” graded examination between a participant and an instructor are not allowed.
  • The participants who miss a re-scheduled exam will not be given a second chance.

“IP” Grade

Participants registered in some courses like thesis, projects, etc. spread over more than one semester are also awarded a grade “IP” as an interim grade until the completion of the course. It shall be the responsibility of a student getting ‘IP’ grade to complete course requirements in the immediately following semester, failing which an ‘F’ grade shall be awarded to the participant.

Withdrawal Course(s) ('W' grade)

A participant, with the consent of the concerned teacher and Chairperson /HoD /Advisor, may be allowed to “Withdraw” a course(s) by the end of 12thweek of classes. He/she shall be awarded „W? in that particular course(s) in the transcript. However, the GPA/CGPA shall not be affected. Participant has to pay the repeat fee when he/she will repeat the course.

Independent Study

Conditions for “Independent Study”

  • If only one course remaining and was graded "F"
  • No semester is remaining and one course left.
  • Fee of Independent study should be increased to Rs. 10,000/- per course.
  • Only one independent study is allowed in a degree program.
  • All those students who got a semester and few courses left are not eligible. CoDs must ensure and be restricted to enforce this policy.

Repeat Course(s)

This policy is applicable on the students who have earned “F” or “W” or “SA” grade or want to upgrade their grade of any particular course in a bid to improve GPA/CGPA. The new grade earned after repeating a course shall be counted in the calculation of GPA/CGPA. However, repeated new grade shall be displayed on the student’s final transcript.

Unfair Means (UMC) / Plagiarism

Unfair Means in Examinations

In order to keep a standardized code of conduct in examination, the following are some manifestations of unfair means in an examination.

  • Objectionable gestures during an examination.
  • Divulging information to a participant(s) pertaining to the examination paper.
  • Possessing or concealing notes on clothing, hands, shoes, pockets, wallet or any thing that has been explicitly prohibited in the examinations.
  • Exchanging of answer book, extra sheet or question paper or any portion thereof.
  • Communication written / oral or otherwise with other participant(s).
  • Writing incorrect or someone else's ID/Name on the answer / extra sheet / question papers.
  • Impeding conduct of examinations through any means.
  • Influencing, threatening or any other misconduct with Resource Person/Invigilator during the examination may lead to disciplinary action as well.

Using Unfair Means in final term exams may lead to one or more of the following penalties

  • Grade “F” in the subject; and / or
  • Fine up to Rs 20,000; and / or
  • Suspension from the program / Semester
  • Expulsion from the Universit

Penalties for violation of examination rules during sessional evaluation are given below:

  • Financial Penalty ranges from Rs. 1,000 – 15,000; and / or
  • Zero in the instrument (quiz / assignment); and / or
  • Deduction of marks from the sessional ranges from 5 to 10; and / or
  • Warning letter; and / or
  • “F” grade in the course

The Office of Controller Examinations also deals with Unfair Means Cases reported by the Resource Person or Invigilators during Mid-Term, as well as Final-Term Examinations.

Controller Examinations compiles the cases and records the proceedings of the meeting as member and secretary of the Unfair Means Committee. The Committee supervises and maintains the highest standards of academic honesty, integrity and discipline in the examinations.

Final Term Examination Date Sheet

A Tentative Date Sheet is notified / displayed on the website as well as on the notice boards about two weeks before closing of classes to receive written complaints from the students about having time clash in their exams on or before the due date for incorporation / adjustment in the tentative date sheet in a bid to make it clash free i.e. no concurrent papers at one point of time.
No rescheduling will be done after the display of the final date sheet for what so ever reason.

Communication of Results

The results of quizzes, midterms and assignments are communicated to the participants during the semester and answer books are returned to them. It is the responsibility of the course instructor to keep the participant informed about his/her progress during the semester. The course instructor will inform a participant at least one week before the final examination related to his or her performance in the course (excluding only the participant's performance in the final examination). All objections of the participants regarding their performance must be addressed prior to the commencement of final examinations.

Grade Review Petitions

If a Participant cannot settle a grade dispute directly with his/her resource person, there is a grade revise petition process.
A participant can submit a grade change petition to the dean's office by specifying the reason for change in grade. Grade change petitions must be submitted no later than one week after the first grade was posted. The petition will be routed to the concerned faculty member. If change in grade is necessary, the concerned faculty member gives the new grade on a change of grade form, available from the Controller Office. No grade changes will be made unless they are submitted through the proper form with explicit reasons to substantiate the change. Normally, the only person who can change a grade is the faculty member who had first given the grade. However, in case that faculty member is no longer at UMT and cannot be reached, then Chairperson of relevant department will have the authority to evaluate the situation and change a grade.

Results Notification

The Controller of Examinations notifies the semester results (through notice boards and website) as per the dates specified in the Academic Calendar. The result includes Participant ID and letter grades achieved in a particular course.

After the end of each semester, the Office of the Controller Examination (OCE) sends semester progress report to the parents / guardians of a participant that reflects important information such as letter grades, SGPA and CGPA etc. if any, to help them monitor the performance of their child / ward. The same information can also be seen from the Online Participant Information System through student login / password.