Inaugural Session of UPIC International Conference Attended by Intellectuals and Educationists

Monday, March 27 2017

The UPIC Conference on ‘Building Bridges: Discovering the Foundations for Interreligious Harmony’ is being organized by Intersections International, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs Center for Global Dialogue, UMT, and the Department of Political Science started today. The inaugural session was graced by the presence of scholars, educationists and intellectuals interested in inter-faith dialogue.


Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT, and Rev. Robert Chase, Founding Director Intersections International, gave the welcome remarks. They stressed upon the importance of inter-faith dialogue to create a culture on understanding and tolerance. The welcome remarks were followed by short goodwill messages from the audience. Raza Ali Gillani, Punjab Higher Education Minister, was the chief guest.




The inaugural session was followed by a session on ‘Interreligious Harmony in Global Context: Challenges and Responses’ moderated by Junaid Ahmed. Speakers included Dr John Esposito, Rabbi Dr Robert (Reuven) Firestone, Dr Deborah Mullen, Imam Malik Mujahid and Dr Hans Kochler.





Dr Esposito is an American Professor of International Affairs and Islamic Studies at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.,. Melody Fox Ahmed, another speaker is the Associate Director for Programs at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs.


The conference will conclude on March 29, 2017.